Stephen Wiltshire has Autism who can Draw Extremely Detailed Cityscapes with Brief Glances

Stephen Wiltshire's London Panorama:

Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic artist who has an incredible photographic memory that can visualize the form and location of hundreds of London's buildings on a precise range from his helicopter ride alongside the Thames. Throughout the next five days, he was able to draw the seven-square mile scenery on a 13ft curving canvas that consists of landmarks, such as the Swiss Re tower, and Canary Wharf. It is considered amazing that Wiltshire did not consult notes, initial sketches, or photographs when making his scale drawing. His drawing even contains the exact number of skyscraper floors. 

Video Links of Other Places Stephen Wiltshire drew:

Stephen Wiltshire draws NYC for UBS:

Stephen Wiltshire's Singapore Panorama. Full timelapse:


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